
NOXA Sukses Besar di Tuska Metalfest 2008, Finlandia

Good News From HELSINKI TIMES: HEAVY WITH RELIGIOUS TIES Indonesian band Noxa play grind core heavy metal which is very fast and technically demanding. EVER HEARD OF Indonesian heavy metal? Being a heavy metal freak in a Muslim country is not necessarily the easiest lifestyle you can choose. The musicians of Noxa have chosen that life, however. Maybe a more peculiar fact about this band is that it consists of four different religions. Oxen, the drummer, is an active church goer. Ade, the guitarist is a Muslim, actively practising his religion. Bass player Dipa is a Hindu, and singer Tony follows the ideas of Buddha. What brings these guys together? They have all studied business at the Sahid University in Jakarta, they all hate corruption, greed and poverty, and they all want to express their feelings. And they want to show the rest of the world that people from different religions can put their strength together and fight the wrongs of the world. Now they will be at the Tuska Open Air

Wawancara Dengan Wendi Putranto* Beberapa bulan lalu teman-teman dari Pers Mahasiswa Universitas Jember, Majalah Tegalboto datang ke kantor Rolling Stone dan mewawancara gue tentang berbagai topik di industri musik Indonesia dan tentang eksistensi majalah ini di scene musik lokal. Kalo tertarik untuk membacanya silakan klik langsung link blog penulisnya.

GLOBAL METAL Movie Trailer

In GLOBAL METAL, directors Scot McFadyen and Sam Dunn set out to discover how the West’s most maligned musical genre – heavy metal – has impacted the world’s cultures beyond Europe and North America. The film follows metal fan and anthropologist Sam Dunn on a whirlwind journey through Asia, South America and the Middle East as he explores the underbelly of the world’s emerging extreme music scenes — from Indonesian death metal to Chinese black metal to Iranian thrash metal. GLOBAL METAL reveals a worldwide community of metalheads creating a new form of cultural expression in societies dominated by conflict, corruption and mass-consumerism. Appearing in the film... Lars Ulrich (Metallica), Max Cavalera (Sepultura, Soul Fly, Cavalera Conspiracy), Wenz Rawk, Arian13, Andre Siksakubur, Ombat Tengkorak, Yoshiki (X Japan) Iron Maiden Slayer Orphaned Land Marty Friedman Lamb of God Kaiser Kuo In Flames Ritual Day Demonic Ressurection Angra Salem Sigh and many more!



Rusuh Konser METALLICA - Stadion Lebak Bulus 10 April 1993 di GLOBAL METAL Trailer!

"In GLOBAL METAL, directors Scot McFadyen and Sam Dunn set out to discover how the West’s most maligned musical genre – heavy metal – has impacted the world’s cultures beyond Europe and North America. The film follows metal fan and anthropologist Sam Dunn on a whirlwind journey through Asia, South America and the Middle East as he explores the underbelly of the world’s emerging extreme music scenes — from Indonesian death metal to Chinese black metal to Iranian thrash metal. GLOBAL METAL reveals a worldwide community of metalheads creating a new form of cultural expression in societies dominated by conflict, corruption and mass-consumerism." Siapapun yang dulu nggak nonton (atau masih terlalu muda?:) konser Metallica yang rusuh parah di Stadion Lebak Bulus pada 10-11 April 1993 (15 tahun lalu!) dan cuma mendengar via obrolan-obrolan tongkrongan saja, jangan khawatir! Sebentar lagi kita bisa menyaksikannya langsung via film dokumenter GLOBAL METAL karya Sam Dunn, sutrada

[Diskusi Panel] Ekonomi Kreatif Hak Kekayaan Intelektual & Prospek Pasar Tenaga Kerja

Start:      Apr 26, '08 10:00a End:      Apr 26, '08 11:00a Location:      Gedung Balairung UI, Depok FAKULTAS HUKUM UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA menyelenggarakan Festival Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI) 2008 Diskusi Panel dalam rangka Hari Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Sedunia. "Nostalgia Hak Cipta Dalam Industri Musik Indonesia" Pembicara: James F. Sundah (PAPPRI) Wendi Putranto (Rolling Stone Indonesia) Dirjen HKI Rektor UI Maksud dan tujuan dari penyelenggaraan Festival ini adalah untuk mensosialisasikan HKI kepada para anak muda melalui cara yang sesuai dengan karakter mereka. Dengan acara ini diharapkan anak muda: - mereka terpacu untuk berkreasi - agar mereka terpacu untuk membeli produk bukan bajakan - agar mereka terpacu untuk peduli dengan cita negaranya More details to be announced soon....

[Seminar] MINUS FEUI : Music Industry Seminar 2008

Start:      Apr 23, '08 11:00a End:      Apr 23, '08 1:00p Location:      Auditorium FE Universitas Indonesia, Depok Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia menyelenggarakan MINUS: Music Industry Seminar 2008 Rabu, 23 April 2008, Pk. 10:00 WIB Guest Speaker: Wendi Putranto (Rolling Stone Indonesia) Admission: Rp. 20.000 (pelajar/mahasiswa) & Rp.25.000 (umum).